Saturday 18 August 2012

Super Skincare | Simple Anti-Blemish Moisturiser

okay, it doesn't take an rocket scientist to know, I REALLY like the make simple skincare so here AGAIN, Is another edition to my super skincare and it is so madly amazing.
Ohmydays, I want to buy this over and over, I purchased a year back and have re-purchased it three times since, so now I'm advising all of you to get off you bottoms and buy it! Especially as at the moment its on sale in superdrug at a half price it is usually £4.99 which is a bargain anyway, so I am in love with it!

I actually got it just because I needed a facial moisturiser, and this seemed to fit the ducks bill, but i never realised what a good idea it was to get a moisturiser for spots and shiz, because by stopping spots, if you don't have any or many, it is also preventing them equalling a spot free face it is also good for most skin types as it isn't very oily but not drying, it also soaks in, in a matter of seconds! I loved that factor as I HATE having to wait for cream and moisturisers to soak in to my skin.

It also has no strong smell, meaning nothing has been added to make it smell like strawberries for example;which I know some people don't like, but I have never been one for smearing artificial smells on my face, i like it because its natural and has the faintest smell of cotton, which as everyone knows I LOVE!

Whenever I may use another moisturiser on my skin, to review or try, I notice the lack of radiance my skin has, which simple must give me, overall I can see no fault in it, and I always have a fault ;) xoxoxo

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