Sunday 2 September 2012

Super Skincare | balance Me Intensive lip salve.

This may seem a bit out of the ordinary in a super skincare post, but without it my lips would need serious sorting out... which is why this balance me baby is here today.
Pricey but Nicey, Own Photography.

I first got introduced to this little lip-saver, from a July Glamour Magazine, which I receive regularly anyway, so when I saw this gift coming with it I thought, *oh wow another lip salve * as I always stick to a carmex or some old chap stick, as I'm not fussy with a lip salve, I always thought as long as they do there job.

But this lip salve has changed my view completely before my lips were dry and chapped after an ordinary carmex appliance they would feel fine, just fine, After one appliance if this, they felt nourished,soft,smooth, and like new in a way! So with regular use, my lips improved dramatically!

The only slight fault is it retails for £12 on line at Balance Me on line, linked hereee, which seems way over and above pricey, but after finishing the Magazine one I HAD to buy this, as of all the goodness it gave me, I couldn't bare to separate with it, but seeing as the price I count it as a high-end lip salve which means for £12 pound it IS a bargain, instead of a drugstore lip salve for around the £4 pound mark, reverse the view ey ;).

Sunday 26 August 2012

BootSale Bargains

Hi all and too All a HIII, today I went down to my local car boot sale and if your unaware of what this is, its typically a bunch 'o' strangers selling stuff out the back of a car in a field, sounds dodgy eyy, but basically its a British thing to do on a Sunday! 
SO here are my findingss! All own Photography.

Barry M Dazzle Dust, 25p! In peaches.
Another Barry M Dazzle Dust,25p! In Dare.
The insides of The Dazzle Dusts,, oh the sparkles!
Urban Decay Eye Shadow,
In shade Shattered, Bargain!
Bourjois Little Round Pot Eyeshadow.
In shade Nacre Bleue,87
 So didn't I pick some penny savers! All of them were un-used and sealed, Never underestimate the beauty if what a car boot can withhold!xoxoxo

Saturday 25 August 2012

Bath Side Beauties

 Just a short note to show you whats on my bath side, just thought it was cute if I showed you the perfect mix'n'match of bath beauties.
As you can see from my little pictures, my favourites consist of my pantene aqua light shampoo and conditioner ,soap and and glory flake away (Travel Size), my No7 heavenly Hydration which I reviewed here, and my body shop shower gel, in an amazing fuzzy peach smell, all items are linked in the name, so check them out!xoxo

Friday 24 August 2012

Soap&Glory 'Mist you Madly' Body Spritz

 Helooooo, Its me again how nice of you to join me! You probably did it because your very BeYOUtiful. So today I have a little beauty that packs a punch of a smell!xox
The Mist You Madly Miniature, Own photography.
So this BeYOUtiful, amazing body spritz is a newcomer to my pretty "same,same" perfume collection, this perfume is so unbelievably versatile! Its Linked Here!xox It retails for £3.50 in the travel size version (100ml) which I think is plenty as this is the kind of scent were one spritz packs enough pretty to punch Miss Posh spice herself(That is VERY pretty For your information)

They do a full size in a 300ml version, but the travel size is a great starter to introduce yourself to the scent which  y the way is subtle but noticeable blend of grapefruit and a sort of soothing aroma, its fresh but nit fierce and calm but not lavender whatever soap and glory did they did it well!xoxox

Wednesday 22 August 2012


YAY! I have finally jumped into the the world of all things voluminous and back-combed, thanks to the help of two little wonders, one of them actually called a little wonder! My two new Best Friends; HairSpray and My Back-Comb Brush!
The Brush in the Model Little Wonder, for Thick hair, Own Photography.

The Model, Of "The Little Wonder"

The Brush is actually so incredibly easy to use, I've always been into the look of backcombing, but never had the tools or the knowledge to pull it off, I also didn't want to look like I've just been electrocuted with volume, until one day when I was in My local sally's and just went a bit crazy and bought this darling for £3.99(Although it was a free of V.A.T day) so I got a bit of a bargain!

Anyway I got home and got experimenting, with my hairspray and this nifty tool, the one i purchased has longer thicker bristles for thicker hair, which is peeerfect for me, i started by simply holding my hair and brushing up all over my hair, but only suttle enough to add volume, then with three sections i went more vigorously with the brush giving it a satisfying tousled beachy look, so i also did my fringe to match.

 I was having a day at home anyway so it didn't matter if I messed it up, but throughout the day my once beautiful cool looking chevouz turned flat and as boring as before, until I re-did the look but this time with my hairspray,the one I use is linked above, its cheap,cheerful,massive and Blooming amazing for volume, and I'm not even going to say how much I love it, it will blow your socks off! If you want anymore videos request in the comments and I'll be here for you ;) xoxoxxo

Saturday 18 August 2012

Super Skincare | Simple Anti-Blemish Moisturiser

okay, it doesn't take an rocket scientist to know, I REALLY like the make simple skincare so here AGAIN, Is another edition to my super skincare and it is so madly amazing.
Ohmydays, I want to buy this over and over, I purchased a year back and have re-purchased it three times since, so now I'm advising all of you to get off you bottoms and buy it! Especially as at the moment its on sale in superdrug at a half price it is usually £4.99 which is a bargain anyway, so I am in love with it!

I actually got it just because I needed a facial moisturiser, and this seemed to fit the ducks bill, but i never realised what a good idea it was to get a moisturiser for spots and shiz, because by stopping spots, if you don't have any or many, it is also preventing them equalling a spot free face it is also good for most skin types as it isn't very oily but not drying, it also soaks in, in a matter of seconds! I loved that factor as I HATE having to wait for cream and moisturisers to soak in to my skin.

It also has no strong smell, meaning nothing has been added to make it smell like strawberries for example;which I know some people don't like, but I have never been one for smearing artificial smells on my face, i like it because its natural and has the faintest smell of cotton, which as everyone knows I LOVE!

Whenever I may use another moisturiser on my skin, to review or try, I notice the lack of radiance my skin has, which simple must give me, overall I can see no fault in it, and I always have a fault ;) xoxoxo

Max factor 2000 Calorie Review

This little beauty has pushed and shoved my old favourite waterproof mascara out the way, and has now settled itself as my new favourite, but why is it so special..

Max Factor's Masterpiece, Own Photography,
Yeah, so I LOVE this! It all started on a rainy day in England so I was off to boots with my advantage card, and a purse full of there seasonal coupons, one of them being when you buy a max factor mascara you receive 700points(That's 7 pound in points to all you neanderthals) and my mummy was very kind and said she would buy me one of the mascaras so I picked up this one, by the packaging it didn't look to special, pretty sleek I suppose but nothing I hadn't seen before.

It was wrapped up in the little plastic jobby so I couldn't actually see the brush, but my old favourite waterproof ran out, so I needed one anyway. When I got home and satisfyingly opened it I saw how dull the brush was as you can see pictured, The only quality I liked is that it was bristle, not plastic.

Boy, did I just this mascara by its brush, the formula is actually amazing! It gives your lash a full coat of volume and length, it also curled my lashiess! I also fell in love with little gimmick i  the name 200 Calories, because it gives you the FULL lash, I know many  beauty bloggers love the original more than the waterproof, but I am content with this little beauty!

The brush also isn't as dumb as I thought it was, it griped and coated my lashes very well, sorry for judging you max factor, you've made me very happy, the only issue is it retails is for £7.99, which is a bit penny pinching, but I'll sacrifice for it, and I just checked the website, silly me, it is currently under offer at boots for just £4.99, run to boots and stock up while it lasts!